I’ve finally got aiming basketball shots in 3D space feeling better than fingernails on a chalkboard.
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I’ve finally got aiming basketball shots in 3D space feeling better than fingernails on a chalkboard.
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Took just about a day of tweaking, but I’ve finally got a basketball material looking the way I want. Material makes all the difference!
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Internet Troll Assault was my 2nd game for the 1 Game a Month project.
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I’m participating in the 1 Game A Month project, and my first game is Rift Gambit. Here’s a look back.
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I’ve transitioned from home.beanalby.net (hand-rolled Django site on my residential internet connection), to beanalby.net (wordpress blog hosted by vervehosting.net). What’s the difference? Much easier to add content, so I should be able to update much more often. Postmortem articles for the GlobalGameJam and my first two Ludum Dare games will be coming shortly.
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